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Detailed introduction to power battery tradder utilization and material recovery technology and trends

  Author :Iflowpower – Portable Power Station Supplier

In the 11th afternoon, the recycling and circular utilization technology application of lithium electrical materials, the Professor of Central South University has made a detailed introduction to the dynamic battery tradder utilization and material recovery technology and trends. China has become the largest application market for new energy vehicles and power batteries worldwide. According to data showing data from the Lithodal Research Institute (GGII), in August 2018, my country's new energy vehicle has exceeded 2.

34 million, and the accumulated power battery exceeded 106GWH. It is estimated that in 2020, the domestic new energy vehicle power battery will reach 322 million tons, both from safety issues, pollution issues, or in the issue of resources, and the need for power battery recovery, so It can be said that it is imminent. In the near resource point of view, global production of 150,000 tons, 95% of my country, depending on the import, 78% of cobalt with battery.

The global nickel production is about 2 million tons, and the battery industry has about 50,000 tons, accounting for 4%. my country's lithium accounts for 13.8% of the world, mainly distributed in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, currently 70% lithium ore is imported, 70% of lithium is consumed by battery.

On October 18, high-employed lithium electricity (2018) International Lithium Battery Key Materials Technology Innovation Summit grand opening in Shenzhen. This summit invited the lithium-electricity materials and the power battery enterprises over 80 industry experts, technical leaders and over 400 business people on the technology research and development of power battery core materials, industrialization upgrades, etc. In the 11th afternoon, the recycling and circular utilization technology application of lithium electrical materials, the Professor of Central South University has made a detailed introduction to the dynamic battery tradder utilization and material recovery technology and trends.

For the recycling of the power battery, the principle that should follow is the principle of the first trail, from the ladder, its main application market is divided into three categories. First, the energy storage area represented by the iron tower, the market capacity is greater than 100GWH; The second is the dynamic battery field represented by low speed, electric bicycle, and the market capacity is greater than 120GWH; three is the field of replacing lead-acid batteries, the market capacity is greater than 200GWH. In the composition and recovery of power battery materials, it is mainly divided into wet metallurgy technology and fire-based metallurgical technology.

The current recycling technology is mainly traditional metallurgical technology, and is mainly concentrated on the recovery of lithium cobaltate batteries and ternary batteries, such as Tusco, Tosco, to handle different models, different chemical nature lithium batteries. The wet metallurgy technology is used to use the material at low temperatures, and the waste battery is low-temperature in liquid nitrogen (-198 ° C), and then the pulverized material is dissolved with an acid, and the base is dissolved, and lithium carbonate is recovered. Oxide, plastic.

The process is required to use liquid nitrogen, high energy consumption, complex equipment, high flow, and high cost; and the resulting metal oxide is a mixture, and further processing is worthy of value. From the process of processes, iron phosphate batteries can also be treated, but it is not possible to form a profit. The iron-based metallurgical technique can turn the iron of the lithium iron phosphate battery into iron alloy, copper aluminum form oxide slag, need to continue smelting, valuable, and organic matter such as graphite, diaphragm and electrolyte etc.

are burned in the form of a reducing agent. The process is high, it is impossible to directly recover the viable material, and the carbon emissions are huge, the economic value is low. From the perspective of domestic, the technology of power battery recycling is mainly traditional wet metallurgy technology, Li Shi introduced, the problem facing this technology is the long process process, high pollution management cost; for three-dimensional lithium battery; not applicable Lithium iron phosphate battery.

In response to the current recycling technology, Li Shi and its team have launched all component physical law recycling technology in China. This technology achieves four effects through accurate dismantling and material repair. ▲ All-component physical method recycling technology first is physical law, can achieve non-pollution, short process flow; second, electrolyte, diaphragm, electrode material full component recovery, high recovery rate; It is also possible to handle three yuan lithium batteries; four is good economics, according to the calculation, its technology can achieve 35.

3% of Ma Leida, the net interest rate 20.8%. Li Shi introduced that its team has planned to build a power battery recovery plant in Tianjin investment.


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