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Author :Iflowpower – Portable Power Station Supplier
With the rapid development of scientific and technological levels, the range of use of lithium-ion batteries has long been self-evident, but in our PACK lithium-ion battery, we often encounter various problems, and always plague us, in view of this, Xiaobian is particularly organized. Cause Analysis and Solutions of Lithium Ions FAQ, I hope to supply you to everyone. First, the voltage is inconsistent, individual is low.
The self-discharge is largely lowered from discharge, so that the voltage reduction is lower than the other fast, and the voltage is low can be eliminated by the storage post-inspection. 2. When the charge is not even caused by a low battery detection, when the contact resistance or the detection cabinet charge current does not result in uneven.
In a short time storage (12 hours), the voltage difference is small, but the voltage difference between the long-term storage is large, this low voltage has no quality problem, can be solved by charging. Store over 24 hours after production charge. Second, the internal block is large.
The difference in detecting device causes the detection accuracy insufficient or cannot eliminate the contact electrochemical, which will cause the display internal block to be large, and the communication bridge method should be used to test internal resistance instrument detection. 2. The storage time is too long, the lithium-ion battery is stored too long, causing capacity loss, internal passivation, large internal resistance, can be solved by charge and discharging.
3. Abnormal heat generation causes the internal resistance of the electrical cell to processes (spot welding, ultrasonic waves, etc.) to abnormally heat the battery, so that the diaphragm is thermally closed, and the internal resistance is severe.
Cause Analysis and Solution of Li - Ion Battery Pack and Solutions Three Lithium Ion Battery Expand 1. When the lithium ion battery is charged, the lithium-ion battery will naturally expand when charging, but generally no more than 0.1 mm, but overcharge can cause electrolytic solution, increased internal pressure, lithium ion battery expansion.
2. Expanded 3 during processing. When the cycle is cycled, the thickness will increase as the number of cycles increases, but it is basically not added after more than 50 weeks, and the normal new increment is 0.
3 ~ 0.6mm, the aluminum shell is relatively serious, this phenomenon It belongs to the normal battery reaction. However, if the new housing thickness or reduction of internal materials can properly reduce the expansion phenomenon.
Fourth, the electric power-down battery has a power-down phenomenon of the aluminum-shell battery lower than 3.7V, generally because the point soldering current is substantially caused by breakdown of the internal diaphragm of the battery, resulting in a voltage drop. Generally, the spot welding position is incorrect.
The correct spot welding position should be welded at the bottom or with a marker "a" or "-" side spot weld, no marking side and the surface is not welded. In addition, some solderability is too poor solderability, so it is necessary to use a large current spot welding, resulting in the internal temperature resistant tape, resulting in short circuit interior of the battery. Some of the battery power-down after spot welding is due to the large discharge of the battery itself.
V. Battery explosion, there is generally the following cases: 1. Over-charge explosion protection line out of control or detection cabinet out of control makes the charging voltage greater than 5V, resulting in an electrolyte decomposition, the internal pressure of the battery, rapid increase in the battery, battery explosion.
2. Overcurrent explosion protection line out of control or detection cabinet out of control makes the charging current excessively cause lithium ion without being embedded, and a lithium metal is formed on the surface of the pole, penetrate the diaphragm, and the positive and negative electrode short circuit causes an explosion (rarely occurred). 3.
When the ultrasonic welding plastic shell is exploded, the ultrasonic welding plastic shell is used. Since the equipment is transferred to the battery core, the ultrasonic energy is great to melt the internal diaphragm of the battery, and the positive and negative is directly shorted, and the explosion occurs. 4.
When the spot welding, the explosive spot welding time is excessively caused by the internal severity short circuit, and the positive electrode connecting sheet is directly connected to the negative electrode when spot welding, so that the positive negative is directly short-circuited. 5. Over-explosive battery over-discharge or overcurrent discharge (3C) is easy to dissolve the negative electrode copper foil to deposit the positive and negative short circuit (rarely occur).
6. When the vibration falls, the explosive cell is misplaced in the electrical core of the battery caused by vigorous vibration or falling, and directly sesers and exploded (rarely occur). 6.
Battery 3.6V platform low 1. The detection cabinet sampling or detection cabinet is unstable to cause low test platform.
2. The ambient temperature is low (the discharge platform is affected by the ambient temperature). Positive electrode connecting tablets with force to move the positive electrode contact, so that the battery is blocked.
2. The spot welding piece is not welded, the contact resistance is large, so that the battery is blocked.
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