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What is the method of testing the amount of lithium-ion battery electrolytic solution "slight less"?

  Author :Iflowpower – Portable Power Station Supplier

Testing the amount of lithium-ion battery electrolytic solution "slightly less"? The performance of the lithium-ion battery has a close relationship with the electrolyte, and the amount of electrolyte has a great effect on the electrochemical and safety of the battery. Suitable electrolyte liquid injection is not only conducive to improving energy density and reduced costs, but also is also a matter of consideration of lithium-ion batteries. What is the "slight less" approach to test the amount of lithium ion battery electrolytic solution? Since the electrolyte will continue to oxidize and react in the positive and negative electrode during the lithium ion battery, the amount of liquid liquid is too small.

The cycle life of the ion battery is unfavorable, and if the number of electrolytes is too small, some active substances can not be infiltrated, and therefore it is not conducive to the performance of the lithium-ion battery capacity, but the amount of liquid content will also cause the energy density of lithium ion battery to decrease. How to increase the cost, so how to determine the amount of liquid, and the balance between the lithium-ion batteries in performance and cost is particularly important. The amount of lithium-ion battery electrolytic solution is "slightly less, less, serious" is the general statement, no strict requirements.

Even slightly slightly less, the lithium-ion battery is already a defective product. The electrolytic liquid is slightly smoker, which is not easy to discover. At this time, the capacity and internal resistance of the battery are normal, and the lithium ion battery electrolyte slightly less battery cell has three types of ways: remove the core, weigh, Detection.

1. Splifting the core is a destructive experiment and can only test a battery at a time, although it can be intuitive and accurately determined, but actually use this method to screen the battery basics. 2.

Weighing this method is less accurate, because the pole, aluminum plastic film, etc. also have a weight difference; the lithium-ion battery electrolyte is "slightly less", then the actual amount of liquid percent is also Will not gaps, so that other materials are different, it is likely to be greater than the difference in the weight of the electrolyte. Of course, it is possible to measure the amount of liquid content or the amount of liquidation of each cell or the amount of liquidation amount of the liquid, but it is not as strong as the whole battery, which is not as strong as the full-cell core.

And optimize the process,. 3. Exploring this is the key point of the problem, and what kind of detection method can screen the electrolyte "slight less" battery, equal to the electrolyte "slight less" battery cells will abnormally.

Currently, only two ways can measure capacity, and internal resistance is normal, but the electrolyte is slightly low. These two methods are: cycling, magnification discharge platform. What is the effect of electrolytic liquid injection to lithium ion battery performance? 1 The amount of electrolytic liquid to affect the capacity of lithium ion battery has increased the capacity of the lithium ion battery.

The optimum capacity of lithium-ion batteries is that the separator will be soaked. It can be seen that the amount of electrolyte is not enough, the positive electrode plate is not plenty of wet, and the diaphragm is not wetted, resulting in a large internal resistance and low capacity. The new increase in electrolytes is beneficial to the capacity of the active substance.

This statement has a great relationship with the capacity of the lithium-ion battery and the amount of electrolyte. The capacity of the lithium-ion battery increases with the increase of the amount of electrolyte liquid, but eventually tends to be constant. 2 The amount of electrolytic liquid on the circulating performance of lithium ion battery is less, low electrical conductivity, and the internal resistance of the circulation is faster, and the analysis or volatilization of local electrolytes of lithium-ion batteries is the speed of battery cycle performance.

Excessive electrolytes can cause new depression to gain new gas volume, resulting in a decrease in circulatory performance. Moreover, there is too much electrolyte. It can be seen that the amount of electrolyte has a significant effect on the cycle performance of the lithium ion battery.

Excessive electrolyte or excessive dissipative circulation performance. 3 Electrolytic liquid volume affects the safety of lithium ion battery safety performance One of the originals of the lithium ion battery is that the amount of liquid can not meet the process requirements. When the amount of electrolyte is too small, the internal resistance of the battery is large and the heat is high.

The increase in temperature can cause the electrolyte to be rapidly analyzed and the gas is generated, and the diaphragm will melt, resulting in a lithium ion battery expansion and short-circuit explosion. When the amount of electrolyte is too large, the amount of gas that occurs during charging and discharging is large, the internal pressure of the battery is large, and the housing is broken, resulting in electrolyte leakage. When the temperature of the electrolyte is high, it will catch fire in the air.

The electrolytic solution is used as a medium of lithium ion migration and charge to ensure that the active material is sufficiently used, requiring the electrolytic solution of each void area of ​​the core core, so the internal space volume can also be used to substantially determine the demand for electrolyte electrolyte electrolyte. quantity. It can be seen that the amount of the lithium-ion battery electrolytic solution to the cycle performance of the battery is very clear, too much or too little electrolyte is not conducive to the cycle of lithium ion batteries.

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