Author :Iflowpower – Portable Power Station Supplier
Industry-first-class Gproms Advanced Process Modeling Suite Supplier ProcessSystemSenterprise (referred to as PSE) today announced new Gproms Fuel Battery (Gpromsfuelcell) modeling products. Gproms Fuel Power Battery Modeling Products For those companies for market supply proton exchange membrane fuel power cells (PEMFC), solid oxide fuel power cells (SOFC), this solution applies high-fidelity prediction modeling Technology, help companies reduce product listing time, optimize fuel power battery pack and system design and operation. Gproms Fuel Power Battery Modeling Products have been unveiled on the recently held Tokyo International Hydrogen and Fuel Battery Exhibition (FCEXPO), and it has been applied in the first-class companies such as Toyota and Samsung.
The modeling product is built in powerful Gproms. The high-fidelity model supplied from the PSE fuel power battery advanced model library (AML: FC) in the model and optimization framework. The modeling product supports users to analyze detailed micrometer effects throughout the fuel power battery system and optimize the design and operation of the battery, and supply a quantitative way to manage the intrinsic technology risk.
Gproms Fuel Power Battery Modeling Products enables developers to effectively respond to many key issues, for example, analyze and optimize current density distribution within the battery pack, water management (proton exchange membrane fuel power battery), inactivation, and battery life, and battery Group and fuel treatment and other systems integration. A optional interface is supplied in the solution to connect the film electrode assembly (MEA) model with the calculation fluid dynamics (CFD) model of the flow path to quickly calculate the performance of the full battery pack. Dynamic modeling supplies can be used to control the design of the system, analyze the temperature dynamics caused by changes in electricity demand, model and optimize the start and other operations.
Using optimization functions, the optimal platinum load can be determined, as well as the optimal balance between the size of the battery pack and the power output. A key use of the high fidelity battery and battery pack model is a supply framework to use a model-based mathematical approach to explain experimental data, and estimate key model parameters. PSE Chief Technology Officer, Fuel Power Battery Technology Leader Zbigniewurban An indispensable tool.
In addition, there is no other way to comprehensively should comprehensively. "Gproms has been widely used in oil and gas, chemical and petrochemical, power generation, cleaning energy, food, drink, fast consumer goods, pharmaceutical, and other process industries in the fields of other process industries.