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Wireless energy supply method can make the cardiac pacemaker no longer use the battery

  Author :Iflowpower – Portable Power Station Supplier

When a disease heart is not able to run blood, an implantable pump can help blood smooth flow. However, this method has an important defect: the power supply is very large, must be placed in vitro, and it is generally connected to the pump through the abdominal wall and the root cause of non-stop stimulation and potential infection. Researchers have shown that a wireless heart function pump (HeartPump) prototype can no longer wireless.

And unlike some wireless implants, it is within a certain distance - a few centimeters to one meter, or farther - all reliable and effective. This pump is developed by John Smith and Pramod Bond (Pramodbonde), and in the Washington SAR, the American ArtificanSocietyForrtificialinternal Inn Annalorgans. John Smith is a Associate Professor of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Washington University; Pramod Bond is a heart surgeon in the University Center Center of the University Center of the University of Pittsburgh.

Most implanted medical devices, such as cardiac pacemakers and defibrillator, work hard by built-in batteries. But heart function pumps and artificial hearts have more power. A artificial heart called Abiocore is a wireless power supply, but the power transmitter attached to the skin must keep a first-line alignment with the receiver in the body.

"Even if you are separated or there is only a few millimeters, it will lead to energy loss," Bond said. Smith and Bond's new wireless pump bypass a line of alignment issues by correcting electric energy transmission and reception. External power transmitter is a metal coil that emits oscillation magnetic fields between 6.

78 MHz and 13.56 MHz. Adjusting the internal receiving coil to resonance with the transmitted coil frequency with approximately 80% efficiency.

However, when the distance between the coil changes, the efficiency will fall unless it is possible to adjust the energy transmission frequency. Therefore, Smith explained that he has designed a feedback system that maximizes efficiency by automatically adjusting the energy transmission frequency. Through the magnetic field rather than electric field transmission electrical energy, harmful heating is prevented, but the residual electric field will still cause the temperature to rise slightly.

Smith said, removing some coil disc will ultimately reduce heating to a slightly insignificant level. The new radio energy system allows heart pump designers to make innovation. If a power supply device can run within a certain distance, you can wear it in the vest or even installed in the room.

Smith and Bond have an idea of ​​a whole family system - one person does not wear electric energy supply to freely. A small implantable battery can also supply half-hour power as a backup. Recent research on radio energy transmission is important in improving efficiency, Dukeuniversity Electronics Assistant Professor Mattreynolds, said, Mattreynolds.

"By adjusting the running frequency and maintains resonance," he said, "is also the key to this technology. ".

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