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Why will the lithium ion battery explode? What is the cause of the explosion of lithium ion batteries?

  Author :Iflowpower – Portable Power Station Supplier

1. The battery has long been charged: in a long time, overtake, overcurrent will also cause high temperature and high pressure, hidden dangers. Lithium-ion batteries may instantly discharge at special temperatures, humidity, and adverse contact failure, a large amount of current, spontaneous combustion or explosion.

2, battery short circuit: When the mobile phone is in high temperature, or be impacted, metal friction, etc., it may cause battery short circuit, explosion. 3, charging leads to battery explosions: playing on the phone while charging while charging can cause charging time to grow long, charging, will cause the mobile phone temperature to rise, easier to explode.

4, charger and battery are not equipped: general mobile phones have original charger. Model is not pair of chargers to make battery accidents. Apple phones only accept the original charger charging, greatly alleviate the chance of battery self-explosive students.

5, the temperature is too high: the temperature is too high means the limit of the internal heat of the battery reaches the limit, charging, high temperature irradiation, baked, is easy to cause too high. In the south of my country, the general family will use electric oven. Many people like to roast phone on the side of the electric oven, which is very dangerous, very easy to induce the battery explosion.

6, thermal out-of control: The reason why the lithium ion battery will have explosion is due to a process of thermal out-of control in the battery inside the battery. Heat out-of-control is an energy positive feedback cycle process: elevated temperatures cause system heat transfer, system becomes hot and high temperature, which in turn makes the system heat. The above reasons such as battery short circuit, the ambient temperature is too high, often overcharge, unauthorized modified housing, etc.

, will cause thermal out of control of lithium-ion batteries, which will eventually appear or exploded. .

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