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Recently, the Volkswagen Group Parts Company is officially launched in Salzgite's first automobile power lithium-ion battery recycling pilot factory. The plant's goal is to create raw materials recycling closed-loop management system, which industrially recovered lithium, nickel, manganese, cobalt, aluminum, copper and plastics, etc., in the long run, the goal is to recover raw materials for more than 90%.
"The Volkswagen Group Salzgite Factory recovers the core raw materials of the waste battery" The factory is important responsible for recycling old batteries that cannot continue to use. Before the recycling of used batteries, the factory will confirm whether the battery has sufficient power, can continue to use mobile storage systems such as flexible and fast charging stations or charging robots. It is estimated that at the end of 2020, the Group will gradually emerge, there will be a large number of battery recovery requirements.
Therefore, the initial planning of the factory is to recover 3,600 cell systems per year, equivalent to 1,500 tons. In the future, with the continuous optimization of the recycling management process, the factory will further expand to handle larger volumetric battery recycling needs. This innovation reduces the recovery process of carbon dioxide emissions, without using a high-energy blast furnace smelting process, but the recycled old battery is depressed, dismantled, and the battery assembly is pulverized into particles and then dry sieves.
In addition to producing raw materials such as aluminum, copper and plastics, the process is produced in a black powder: which contains lithium, nickel, manganese, cobalt and graphite, etc. important battery raw materials. Finally, professionals will use water and chemical reagents to separate different raw materials by wet metallurgy.
"Waste Battery Enters Recycling Factory" In this regard, the Maowman of Volkswagen Group Components Company Technology Development and Electric Automobile Business Department, Markm?ller, said that the core components of the old battery can be used to produce new cathode materials. Studies have shown that recycled battery raw materials and new materials have equal efficacy. Given the market's demand for batteries and related raw materials, the company will have a sharp increase in the future, the company will use the recycled raw materials to support the production and manufacture of new batteries, and make full use of each gram regeneration raw material.
According to the calculation, if the cathode material of the battery is made of regenerated raw material, green electricity is used during the production process of the battery, then each 62kWh battery pack can reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of about 1.3 tons. Editor Comment: 2020 In China, the battery recycling service is launched, and it is said that it will try to extend the battery life, extract it within its internal valuable material for reuse, will not landfill treatment.
With the rapid development of new energy vehicles, battery recovery is not only a common concern of the global manufacturing industry, but also a competition for major cars manufacturers.
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