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Author :Iflowpower – Portable Power Station Supplier
According to foreign media reports, after repeated charge, the periphery of the lithium-ion battery material will form a non-active layer (INACTIVELAYER), affecting the performance of the battery. To this end, the research team that has been composed of chemists has studied new methods to prevent lithium-ion batteries from decomposition. The team led by the Amyc.
Marschilok, Elsareichmanis, New York University, Stonybrookuniversity, which produced Single-Walledcarbonnanotube, SWNT Net structure, which can take advantage of PPBT (POLY) [3- (Potassium-4-Butanoate) Thiophene]) Secure SWNT on the battery material. The carboxylate group of PPBT can be combined with the polarsurface of the battery material, and the thiophenebackbone can be contacted with π-bonding (π-bonding) and SWNT, electrons can be in SWNT-PPBT network. Structure flow.
The nanotube network around the battery material exhibits a porous structure, and the lithium ion can be moved in the battery material, and the battery material can be expanded. The system can be combined with two types of battery anodic materials - magnetic nanoparticles (MagnetiteNanoPArticles) and silicon nanoparticles (SiliconnanopArticles). PAULV.
BRAUN, Polymer and Electronic Material Experts, UniversityOfillinois, Urbana-ChamPaign, pointed out that the new method can maximize battery performance, and the overall design of the battery electrode is considering lithium. Transduction, activity space and specific chemical reaction of ions and electrons. Reichmanis said that this method has boosting battery technology to boost applications, and it needs to ensure uniformity and reliability of materials when manufacturing.
(This article is selected from cen.acs.org).
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