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Power lithium battery recycling: What is the problem of industrial chaos?

  Author :Iflowpower – Portable Power Station Supplier

In 2009, my country began to develop new energy vehicles. In 2014, the sales volume began to increase. Today, the first batch of power lithium batteries have entered the decommissioning period.

However, the problem of battery recovery is like "I can't receive the old battery, can't get the entry ticket, earn the cost of the money, the recycling network is similar to the dummy, the ladder is used to find the market" and so on. Both this series is because the construction of the power lithium battery recovery system is not perfect. Therefore, in the two sessions of the government this year, "Accelerating the Construction of the Power Lithium Battery Recycling System" is written thereto.

Then, what is the reason for the difficulty of recycling of power lithium batteries, how to solve it? Thousands of market powered lithium battery recycling is related to national mineral resources reserves and new energy vehicles long-term development issues. As an important raw material for new energy vehicle power lithium batteries, my country is very small in cobalt ore. According to data, the global proven cobalt reserves in 2019 are about 7 million tons, while my country's reserves are 80,000 tons, accounting for 1.

14% of the world's total reserves, and most of them do not have exploitation value, as the world's second largest new energy The car market, my country's demand for cobalt metal is almost all from overseas. The epidemic eruption in 2020, the output of overseas cobalt mine declines, and the international logistics is limited, my country's share price is higher than the boat. Therefore, the regeneration value of nickel, cobalt and manganese in the power lithium battery is very high.

It is understood that at present, the recovery rate of cobalt and nickel can be more than 98.5%. From the beginning of 2014, it is generally calculated by the use of the dynamic battery of the battery, and has also entered the decommissioning period.

This market is very broad. International Energy Agency expects that the global lithium-ion battery recycling market will rise to 20 billion euros (about RMB 154.8 billion), my country or will become the largest market for lithium ion batteries in the fields of electric vehicles and energy storage.

According to data from my country's automobile technology research center, my country's new energy vehicle insurance has reached 4.92 million, and the pilot lithium battery of the accumulated retirement has 200,000 tons (about 25GWH). In 2025, the waste battery capacity to be recycled in my country will reach 137.

4GWH, 5 times more than 2020. Power Lithium Battery Application Branch predicts, considering the rise of future retired battery quantity index, in 2030, the scale of power lithium battery recycling market will exceed 100 billion yuan. In addition, the research institution Evtank, Ivene Institute of Evway, my country, my country Electric Two-Wire Auto Industry Development Book (2021) " The year-on-year increase is approximately 27.

2%, and the total social security has arrived at 340 million. Among them, the output of lithium-electric electrical two-wheeled cars reached 11.36 million, the overall penetration rate reached 23.

5%, up 84.7% year-on-year. Evtank is expected to be close to 60% of the market penetration rate of the entire lithium-electric version of electric two-wheeled car in 2025.

The huge market has spawned the development of the industry. According to the sky-eyed data, there are currently 242 business scope of the country, including "power lithium battery recycling", add 85 newly increasing, more than one-third. The industry is still chaotic.

Although the first batch of power lithium batteries have entered the decommission period, the new battery recycling company has also increased, but the market has appeared "no battery available" phenomenon. Yan Bing, chairman of the New Energy Group Co., Ltd.

, said: "In fact, there is no so much battery that can be recovered through regular channels. The company coming in is hot, and the fish is mixed. "The website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shows that as of January 25, 2021, there were 13,145 power lithium battery recovery service outlets in the country.

However, many industry insiders said that due to the importance of new energy vehicles in the public domain, this part of the volume is also large. It is currently in the hands of all operations, and some car dismantling companies, insurance companies , Even in personal hands, most of them have not entered the standard recycling outlets. "The customer sent the battery to the store.

We have to find qualified companies to go to the door to recycle, so it is unlikely to pay for customers, many customers choose to sell them directly to the second-hand car market. "A personnel who have designated a joint venture brand recycling outlet staff said. Zhang Yu, deputy general manager of Green Mei, believes: "The battery recovery price is raised, the price of the bidding is high, but some company facilities are simple, low cost, and some only two vendors, then we must do people.

"The industry also has related reports, and the company has been put in the company's investment in the company's investment. In the case where there is no sufficient source of supply, the fixed cost is dragged, and most of the operations are currently not prosperous. At the end of 2020, the company entered the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology "Compliance" New Energy Automobile Waste Battery Comprehensive Utilization Industry Standards Conditions "Company List", "White List" in the field of dynamic lithium battery recycling, has 22 companies have 22.

However, the list does not have forced exclusive, and non-regular companies can still be "horizontally" in the industry. It is also a problem that you can't get it. For example, mastering the waste battery in the individual, the company cannot obtain a VAT invoice at the time of acquisition, and when selling to the regeneration company, it is impossible to perform value-added tax deduction, causing the recycling company to pay taxes.

And those second-hand traffickers sell a small workshop, smash the price, and weaken the competitiveness of the regular company. In addition, even if there is battery presence, it is difficult to judge its quality, and can only be re-related experience. The staff of a power lithium battery recovery company said that there is a QR code above each cell, which is used for product traceability, but they sweep this QR code to see battery information, this is more like a battery factory.

Your own internal management system, there will be more interest-looking space in the case of opaque information, and the evaluation of battery value is difficult. How to crack these problems in the construction of construction? The system construction is critical, and the relevant standard system use is more prominent. Commissioner, Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Golden Macao Holding Group, establish a national industry standard, guide improved related technologies, increase policy funding, and the government is preferred leading company, establishing a dynamic lithium battery recycling research room, research recycling technology, formulate Industry standards, accelerate breakthrough industry technical problems to deal with more and more retired batteries in the future.

There are currently three techniques for the dismantling of the power lithium battery: dry method, wet method, biological recovery, the first two recycling processes have been mature, can be applied to industrial applications, and the lab is still in the laboratory stage. In the ladder, the final decomposition of the battery is basically not realized by the technology to break, which also leads to the cost of the cost, the formal power lithium battery recycling company recovers 1 ton of lithium iron phosphate ion battery costs of 8500 yuan. And the value of the material extracted in 1 ton of lithium iron phosphate waste cells is only about 8,000 yuan.

Not only that, the power lithium battery recovery core technology is how to extract or extract the effective ingredients or extracted with the appropriate chemical solvent, and the recycled use of the battery raw materials, but these formulations are the commercial confidentiality of the power lithium battery company, the battery recycling factory is very Difficult to master. In addition, the dynamic lithium battery recovery system associated with car enterprises, battery companies, recycling companies, and logistics companies should also use the new energy vehicle supervision platform to establish battery traceability mechanisms, and do battery from "life" to "death". The whole process can be traced back.

Niu Liden, a member of the National Committee of China, Vice-President of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference proposed, clarifying the subject's obligation and related punishment measures, clearly reporting that the waste electric vehicle needs to be scrapped, and clearly engaged in the technical conditions and requirements of the report of the waste electric vehicle recycling company, It is clearly involved in the power storage battery and the whole vehicle property separation to prevent illegal loss of waste power storage batteries. In addition to the company's response mechanism, it must be legally guaranteed. In the industry, there are many calls for the country to introduce batteries to enhance the policy.

Through legislation to ensure that the power-lithium battery has a red line, it is promoted enough market space to drive relevant industry companies to have power investment research and recycling technology and construction plant operations. Regarding the solution to the company's tax pressure, Zhang Tianyi, Chairman of Tianmeng Shares, I hope that the issue of the standard recycling company lacks the entry ticket, it is recommended that the government gives 8% value-added tax deduction in terminal product sales, and relieves the compliance company for purchase without procurement Battery cost pressure. In addition to policies and technical issues, the above-mentioned industry insiders also said that we should strengthen and guide consumers' recovery.

If we have good recovery awareness like Japanese consumers, the sales outlets of the battery manufacturer are not difficult. At the same time, he also believes that the US International Battery Association has established a "deposit system". When purchasing battery products, paying a deposit from the sale party, after the waste battery is recycled, the sale will return the deposit.

The above industry also said that although there are still many problems in the recycling industry of the dynamic lithium battery, the construction of the recycling system is incorporated into the two sessions of government work, which undoubtedly has great guidance and paying attention to the meaning. Next, this industry will be fast developing. .

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