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my country's solar panel aging and surrounding: recycling facing challenge

  Author :Iflowpower – Portable Power Station Supplier

Hong Kong media said that according to the industry's recent estimation, my country will be in the world's most serious solar panel aging in less than 20 years. According to the Hong Kong "Nanhua Morning Post" website reported on July 31, Lu Fang, Secretary General of the Photovoltaic Committee of my country's Renewable Energy Society, wrote in an article published in social media in July, and is expected to be in 2034, photovoltaic The accumulated waste of components will reach 70 gigatings (GW). Lu He said that by 2050, my country's abandoned photovoltaic components will reach 20 million tons, which is 2000 times the weight of the Eiffel Tower.

According to reports, a staff member of my country's Renewable Energy Society confirmed that Lu Fang mentioned these numbers in a report submitted by the 2017 First Innovation Ling Sewage Seminar held in Xi'an in May this year. According to the statistics of the International Energy Services, my country currently has the largest solar power plant in the world, last year's total capacity is nearly 80GW. my country's installation is almost twice that.

The nearly half of my country's total capacity is new last year. According to Bloomberg report, industry experts also predict that the new solar farm completed this year will exceed the record of 2016. According to the report, the driving force of such a breakthroughty is that our government vigorously promotes the diversification of national energy supply structures.

At present, my country's energy supply structure is seriously dependent on coal and imported petroleum and other fossil fuels. However, the solar power generation board is relatively short, and my country's government has not made "retire" plans for them. According to the statistics of the US Department of Energy, the service life of solar panels is 20 to 30 years, depending on the environment.

High temperature may accelerate the aging process of solar panels, while other negative factors (such as snow or sandstorm weight, etc.) may result in low loss of solar panel surfaces and internal circuits, gradually reduce the power output of the battery board. Jiangsu Nanjing Fangrun Material Recycling Co.

, Ltd. recycles the abandoned solar panel. The company's general manager Tian Min (sound) said that the solar power industry is a ticking on-time bomb.

He said: "If it is estimated correctly, it will explode in a twentieth year of time and make great damage to the environment. "He added:" The industry is wasteful and is not easy. "The solar panel contains metals such as lead and copper, and there are aluminum frames.

The solar cell consists of pure crystalline silicon, which is wrapped under a thick layer of plastic film. According to reports, in Europe, some companies have developed complex technologies to recover more than 90% of the solar panels. However, Western technology may face a lot of difficulties in my country.

According to the report, most of my country's solar power plant is located in Povers in Inner Mongolia, and most of the recycling industries are in developed parts of the Pacific coast. Tian Min said that the long-distance transport of these huge solar panels may be very expensive. Another cost comes from separation and purifying waste, which is not only a large amount of labor and electricity, but also chemical substances that may cause harm to the environment, such as acidic substances, etc.

He said: "If the loop re-factory is discharged in accordance with the chapter of the chapter, the purpose of low pollutant emissions, then their products will eventually be more expensive than new raw materials. "This year's 1 kg silicon crystals are about $ 13, and it is expected that the price of the next decade will fall by 30%. Tian Min said this will make the regenerative silicon more difficult to sell.

Despite this, the sales manager of a solar power recovery company believes that there is a way to deal with my country's solar garbage. "They are reselling these power-wide panels to families living in the desert. There, there are many land to install a lot of solar panels to make up for their low performance.

"This manager added. (Compilation / Hong Man).

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