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Author :Iflowpower – Portable Power Station Supplier
1. Look at the outer surface of the plastic and plastic: the average of the body's anti-wear surface, the use of PC raw materials, no cracked phenomenon; pretending to be a battery without anti-grinding surface or too rough, the use is regenerated raw material, easy brink. Measuring battery block charging voltage.
If the cadmium nickel, the hydrogen battery block is pretending to be a lithium ion mobile phone battery block, it is not obtained from five monomer batteries, and the charging voltage of a single battery is generally not more than 1.55V. The total voltage of the battery block does not exceed 7.
75V. When the battery When the charging total voltage of the block is less than 8.0V, it is possible to be cadmium and nickel, hydrogen-nickel battery.
2. About the original battery: its battery appearance is clear, average, clean, no significant scratches and damage; battery logo should be printed with battery model, variety, rated capacity, standard voltage, positive negative sign, production plant name. Hand feels lubrication without blocking, elastic fit, cooperation with his hand, reliable lock; five gold slices have no significant scratches and black, green phenomenon.
If the mobile phone battery we purchased is not in line with the above phenomenon, it can start to determine if it is a fake. 3, compare the size of the battery capacity: a general cadmium nickel battery is 500mAh or 600mAh, the hydrogen nickel battery is not 800mAh; and the capacity of the lithium ion mobile phone battery is generally between 1300-1400mAh, so the lithium ion battery is sufficiently charged. The time to use is about 1.
5 times the hydrogen battery, and it is about 3.0 times the cadmium nickel battery. If you find that the lithium ion mobile phone battery blocks you have purchased are not promoted or elucidated, it may be pretending.
4, many mobile phone plus manufacturers have also moved from their own point of view: through efforts to progress the craftsmanship, improve the fake difficulty of mobile phones and their accessories, and then further curb the flooding of counterfeit goods. Generally, formal mobile phone products and their accessories require the consistency on the appearance. Therefore, if we put it on the mobile phone battery to buy it, take a closer look at the bottom of the body and the battery.
If the color is dark, it is the original battery. Otherwise, the battery itself is more dark, it may be a fake battery. 5.
Observe the abnormal conditions of charging: Generally, there should be overcurrent maintenance inside inside the genuine mobile phone battery. Under the situation of excessive current, the current is too large, so as not to burn or damage the phone; the lithium ion battery is overcurrent Maintenance line, when using no standard appliances, the safer current is too large, it will take the initiative to cut off the power, resulting in the normal condition of the battery, can restore the on state. If we are in the process of charging, it is found that the battery is severely fever or smoke, even exploded, and clarifies that the battery is definitely fake.
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