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Author :Iflowpower – Portable Power Station Supplier
Due to solar, average, I don't pay electricity bills in the past two years. Just because the solar energy is quite good, it doesn't mean it can't be more cool. Ladies, gentlemen, I give you a transparent solar panel.
This research area involves several places that can improve solar panels. For example, if we can cover the windows with solar collectors but still make light, it will be quite good. And, as a side use, it allows us to use each photon more effectively.
Each photon fact is proved to use each photon fact that these goals are interrelated. One of the methods of losing energy in solar panels is more energy that photons can respond to solar cells. In order to appear electrons, the material of the solar panel (usually silicon) must absorb photons having more than a certain amount of energy, referred to as a band gap.
Energy less than the band gap does not appear electronic. Those energy larger than the band gap? Electron with more energy than band gap can still occur, but the electron has a large amount of excessive energy, which will lose with heat. Finally, all electrons leaving solar panels substantially the same energy as the band gap of the solar cell material.
Obviously, keeping excess energy will not waste it like this is very good. In order to solve this problem, a group of researchers use nanoparticles of doping (rare earth metal). 镱 I happen to like to absorb its wavelengths with almost with silicon (electric energy in the solar panel).
Best, in the appropriate case, I will absorb a blue / violet photon, and two photons are launched with an advantageous energy of the silicon. Best, 镱 doesn't like to absorb the photons it emit, make it not interfere with the panel operation. This novel performance combination makes a relatively unique solar cell possible.
This idea is that the solar panel with this material will absorb blue light, then transmit two infrared photons for each blue photon. In addition to the silicon of solar cell material, all things ignore infrared photons. Silicon absorbs infrared photons, there are two electrons for each blue-ray photon impact.
This important, slightly cynical influence is that researchers can boldly claim to achieve approximately 160% efficiency (because this process is not perfect, you won't get 200%). But there are also some very cool rising spaces. The light of the boot solar cell has some additional benefits.
The researchers have created a polymer glass material in which nanoparticles are embedded. Particles absorb ultraviolet / dark blue light in the sun spectrum, but allowing the rest of the light to pass. This has a significant transparent glass structure.
When 镱 When emits infrared light, it is important to do so in the direction of the light in the glass. Glass leads the light to the edge, where it can be absorbed by silicon solar cells. Imagine a glass plate with a photovoltaic frame.
At this stage, the final result is a very low efficiency solar collector. Blu-rays have infrared light, the efficiency is about 180%. However, only three percent of blue light is absorbed.
(Please remember that it looks very transparent? This is the reason. ) Then transport loss, so that the whole idea is now a little extension. Invisible solar panels However, the invisible solar panels may be in our future.
Can improve absorption efficiency. Researchers claim that they should be able to see three times improvements with their existing materials and methods. Look at the guidance system, I want to say that they can reduce transmission loss and ensure that most of the infrared light enters solar cells.
In addition, if you don't mind with a yellow view, by using the photons in the shallow blue portion in the spectrum, the changes can be further improved. Finally, silicon is not the only solar panel material. More efficient materials can be used - they are very expensive.
However, in this configuration, you only need solar cell material on the edge of the glass. This reduces the amount of photovoltaic material required for each m2 panel. At least this is the researchers claimed.
I am not so confident in this argument. Adjust these high-efficiency materials so that it matches the solar spectrum. Light absorption will then re-emission at a longer wavelength will not match between spectral and material band gap.
You can't prevent this, because you have to absorb and re-launch to get light guides, there is no such light guide, you will not reduce the amount of materials required for solar panels.
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