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Author :Iflowpower – Portable Power Station Supplier
1. Measure the tool of a large-capacity lithium-ion battery: Metering ruler quickly estimate the capacity of lithium-ion battery, often used estimation formula (estimated only): This is calculated to the battery cell, does not contain a battery housing. Battery capacity = thickness * Width * length * k (K unit is MAH / mm3) k value range (0.
07 ~ 0.11), K value depends on the size of the capacity, the larger the capacity, the larger the K value, the smaller the capacity, the smaller the capacity The smaller the K value (you can understand that the size is larger, the greater the K value). The actual calculation can default to 0.
1. For example, 103450LP (thickness 10mm, width 34mm, length 50mm), calculation capacity = 10 * 34 * 50 * 0.1 = 1700, the actual capacity is above 1800mAh; such as 603048LP (thickness 6mm, width 30mm, length 48mm), calculation capacity = 6 * 30 * 48 * 0.
1 = 864, the actual capacity can be 900mAh. 2, prepare a current bill lithium-ion battery capacity = voltage×Discharge current×This time this is believed that many friends who have learned physically do. 3, a rated current discharge electric device, such as the light pen is discharged directly, until the light is dark, record the time t, the large-capacity lithium ion battery can be considered C: c = UIT lithium ion battery open circuit voltage and The correspondence between the battery capacity is generally, the percentage is the remaining capacity of the battery, and the right side is the open circuit voltage (OCV) of the corresponding battery.
100% -4.20V90%.–4.
06V80%–3.98V70%–3.92V60% 3.
87V50% 3.82V40%–3.79V30% 3.
77V20%–3.74V10%–3.68V5% 3.
45V0% 3.00V This is a sharing related experience made by friends who have made battery cell processing for many years. From the data, you can also use universal voltmeter to do a large-capacity lithium-ion battery, just look at large capacity first.
Lithium-ion battery remaining, then depends on the voltage, and do it, it is probably possible.
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