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Author :Iflowpower – Portable Power Station Supplier
Today, the lithium-ion battery is very popular. You can find them on handheld, mobile computing products, mobile phones and apple players. The lithium-ion battery is so common because they are one of the highest battery rechargeable batteries under equivalents.
Recently, lithium-ion batteries are frequently reported because they occasionally appear suddenly. There is only 2-3 groups in each million lithium-ion battery pack, so it is not common. However, when this happens, consequences are and their serious.
When the accident rate is high, the manufacturer has to recover the battery around the world, which will bring millions of dollars. So the problem is coming. What makes these batteries in power? Why will they suddenly catch fire? What can we do to stop these and extend battery life? In this article, we will answer these questions and explore more problems.
Lithium-ion batteries are very popular because they have the following advantages over other competitors: 1. When the size is quite, the lithium-ion battery is usually relatively light compared to other types of rechargeable batteries. The electrode of the lithium-ion battery is composed of light lithium and carbon, and the lithium element is also an extremely lively element, meaning that its atomic bond contains many energy, and the lithium ion battery has been formed.
Energy Density. Below this comparison allows you to have an intuitive experience on the energy density of lithium-ion batteries. Typical lithium ion batteries can store 150 watt hour per kilogram, and each kilogram of lithium hydrogen battery can store approximately 100 watts hours, although 60 to 70 watt may be more typical, and per kilogram of lead-acid battery can only store 25 watt hours.
Use lead-acid battery technology to store the same capacity, take 6 kg, and one kilogram of lithium-ion batteries can be done, this is a huge difference. 2. Lithium ion battery can keep power.
Compared with the lithium hydrogen battery, the lithium-ion battery pack is only 5% of the power per month. 3. Lithium ion battery has no memory effect.
It means that you don't want to treat them like other batteries. 4. Lithium-ion batteries can withstand the charge and discharge cycle of thousands of times.
Of course, it is not to say that the lithium-ion battery is perfect, and they also have some shortcomings: 1. Lithium-ion battery starts to degenerate, no matter where you use or don't have to be used, you can only use two To three years. 2.
Lithium-ion batteries are extremely susceptible to affected at high temperatures. High temperature leads to the degradation of lithium ion batteries far more than usual. 3.
If you completely discharge the lithium-ion battery, it can't use it. 4. Lithium-ion battery packs have a protection circuit to manage batteries, which makes the use cost of lithium-ion batteries more expensive.
5. There is also a small probability event that if the lithium ion battery pack is invalid, it may cause fire. Next we will explore how to extend the life of the lithium-ion battery and explore why they will explode.
The "life" of the lithium-ion battery is relatively expensive, so if you want to make your lithium-ion battery life longer, the following is some payments: 1: Lithium element prefers partial discharge rather than depth discharge, Therefore, it is best to prevent the electricity quantity from falling to zero. Because the lithium element has no memory effect, local discharge is harmless. If the voltage of the lithium-ion battery drops to a specific level, it will be scrapped.
2: Life of lithium-ion battery. They can only use two to three years, even if they are put on the shelf. So don't take the battery pack will be able to use the five-year idea to "prevent the use" battery, it can't do it.
Similarly, if you are buying a new battery, you have to make sure it is really new. If the lithium-ion battery has been stored in the shelf for a year, it will not be used for a long time, the factory time is very important. Three: Prevent high temperature, high temperature will degrade lithium ion battery.
When the lithium-ion battery exploded, we talked about how to make lithium-ion battery life, and now we will explore why they will explode. If the temperature of the lithium-ion battery is high enough to ignite the electrolyte, you will face a fire. There are video clips and photos on the Internet to declare how serious these burning can.
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) issued a "Summer of Laptop Explosion" overview a few similar events. When a fire occurs, it is usually due to short circuit inside the battery. Recall the previous part, the lithium-ion battery pack contains a thin plate that causes the positive and negative electrode.
If the sheet is touched by the positive and negative electrode, the battery will rise rapidly. You may have experienced this kind of battery that brought the battery. If you have put a normal 9-volt battery in your purse, just a coin short-circuit, the battery is negative, the battery will become quite hot.
When the partition is faded, the same short circuit will occur inside the lithium ion battery. Because lithium-ion batteries are so living, they become very hot. High temperature results in excluding organic solvents as an electrolyte, and heat (or Mars near Mars) can ignite an organic solvent.
Once these occurs inside the battery, the burning heat flows to other batteries and then the entire battery packs all over the flame. It is necessary to point out that the lithium-ion battery is in a fire and its less things. Moreover, several fire and sporadic reports are enough to contribute to a recovery.
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