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Author :Iflowpower – Portable Power Station Supplier
Report on "my country's Battery Recycling Management Status" and Countermeasures, Recommendation and Countermeasures, announced by the International Environmental Organization Natural Resources Protection Association (NRDC), said my country is the production and consumption of battery, and there is an annual event. The number of waste storage exceeds 2.6 million tons, while the regular recovery ratio is less than 30%.
Battery in life include car batteries (battery), electric bicycle batteries, units of backup power supplies and emergency lights in the corridor, etc., the battery is important consisting of lead electrodes and sulfuric acid electrolytes. General battery-containing leads are around 70-80%.
According to the report, my country is a total of more than 2.6 million tons per year, while the comparative ratio of formal recovery is less than 30%, and the ratio of the battery formal recovery in developed countries is more than 95%. "Due to the current national or regional waste battery recovery network, nearly 80% of the waste storage battery is still inserted into illegal recycling and treatment links, the lead-free acid acid is discovered.
Assembly, pollute the atmosphere, soil and water source, and can lead to children's blood lead over. "Report. In this regard, Yang Xiaoming, senior engineer, Environmental and Economic Policy Research Center, said, "Although the waste battery is one of the 49 hazardous waste in the National Hazardous Waste Directory, there is strictly in the recovery, storage and disposal of it.
In accordance with the practice, there is a lack of relevant supporting policies, measures and regulatory phenomena. "In a good policy orientation and laws and regulation framework, it is possible (waste battery) high recovery rate, NRDC senior lawyer Davidlennett (David Lente)," and retailer's participation is to promote waste cells The key, regulatory and economic incentive mechanisms should promote this participation, for example, regular 4S shop When selling new batteries, it should inform customers to send waste batteries to the point of sale to make the old battery to be completely sent back. Regular dismantling and utilization.
Usually the waste battery recycling network is established by the battery manufacturer as an important part of its production person responsibility. ".
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