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18650 LITIUM AKKU 3,7 V 8800 mAh FPT-A01 1
18650 LITIUM AKKU 3,7 V 8800 mAh FPT-A01 2
18650 LITIUM AKKU 3,7 V 8800 mAh FPT-A01 3
18650 LITIUM AKKU 3,7 V 8800 mAh FPT-A01 4
18650 LITIUM AKKU 3,7 V 8800 mAh FPT-A01 5
18650 LITIUM AKKU 3,7 V 8800 mAh FPT-A01 1
18650 LITIUM AKKU 3,7 V 8800 mAh FPT-A01 2
18650 LITIUM AKKU 3,7 V 8800 mAh FPT-A01 3
18650 LITIUM AKKU 3,7 V 8800 mAh FPT-A01 4
18650 LITIUM AKKU 3,7 V 8800 mAh FPT-A01 5

18650 LITIUM AKKU 3,7 V 8800 mAh FPT-A01


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    18650 Litium-akkupaketti 3,7V 8800mAh kalastuslampulle, hätälampulle, maisemalampulle, uudelleenladattavalle polttimolle.

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